About My Teachings

A four-step process from the ego to your true self, from 3D to 5D.


My work helps you awaken to and be who you are. I guide you toward self-realization and help you shed the layers of the ego once and for all. It is a journey of deep spiritual transformation and evolution of human consciousness, from the ego to your true self, from 3D to 5D.


In my teaching, I show you exactly how the ego works and how to free yourself – the truth of the human condition. I also guide you toward experiencing who you are beyond the ego and toward self-realization – a permanent shift in consciousness where the identification with the ego falls away, and you fully realize and embody who you are, your true self.


I experienced this inner shift ten years ago and have created my spiritual teaching based on my experiences, realizations, and insights from my spiritual journey. My journey started over seventeen years ago, so what you learn in my work comes from over seventeen years of experience, and the process is unique.


My online program

In this program, I show you how to go from being completely identified with the ego to being who you are – a whole and awake human being (from 3D to 5D).
It is a six-month in-depth program where we dive deep into the layers of your inner world. That is where real and permanent change happens. We also look at the outer world because this transformation is both an inner and an outer journey – and we open up to new dimensions of reality.
The goal is self-realization and to integrate your soul and your human self so that you can live as your true self in all areas of your life and be who you are. This is wholeness, and it is the new and higher state of human consciousness, 5D.


The program is a four-step process


Step One


The first step toward awakening to and being who you are is to become familiar with who you are not – the ego identity. So, that is where we begin.


In step one, you learn about the ego and how that identity and state of consciousness work.


In this step, I walk you through all the layers of the ego. We start with the separation from your true self, which is the reason the ego is there in the first place. Then, we work ourselves through the hidden layers of the ego in the unconscious and subconscious mind, the deeper levels of your inner world. After that, we examine the surface thoughts, emotions, and actions. We also look at the external world and the collective consciousness and how we humans live individually and collectively due to our inner state of consciousness.


The reason I start with the separation, instead of starting with the surface levels or the external world, is that I want you to see how the ego is built from the beginning. So, if you think of the ego as a house, I am guiding you all the way from the foundation to the roof.


When you know how the ego is built, and that the ego has a structure (that structure is the same in all of us even if the content varies greatly depending on what we have experienced in our lives and where in the world we grew up) it is easier to know what to do to free yourself. You will know how all the different layers and aspects of the ego work together inside you as an identity and what parts to focus on to free yourself permanently.


I share a lot of real-life examples so you get a clear understanding of how it all works in a practical way. Learn more about step 1.


Step Two


In step two, I guide you toward self-realization. I show you what has to happen for that permanent inner shift in consciousness to occur and why the only way to be spiritually enlightened is to be who you are, your true self.


So, in step two, we focus on your true self and who you are beyond the ego and the individual and cultural conditioning.


This step also contains practices where I guide you toward experiencing who you are beyond the conditioning. At first, you may experience your true self as a stillness behind your thoughts and feelings. That is a first glimpse of what is possible, and in time, it can lead to a full realization of who you are. If you fully realize who you are, that is self-realization, and it is the end of identifying with the ego identity. It is a shift in consciousness that happens instantly, and the realization is irreversible. If or when it happens, you experience a different reality.


However, between the first experiences of the true self and the full realization of who you are, there are also things that you can do to open up more to who you are and prepare for this inner shift to happen.


You will learn more in the program.


*Self-realization can happen at any stage of the process, and even if you don’t experience that permanent inner shift, you still benefit from the inner work you do. The more programming you remove, the more your true self will shine through, and you will experience longer moments of inner peace and alignment.


Learn more about step 2.


Step Three


Now it is time to start freeing yourself from the ego and the ages of human conditioning. In step three, I show you how to do that deliberately and permanently.


In this step, you will begin to become aware of and remove the layers of the ego so that your true self can shine through. The goal is for your true self to replace the ego on the inside and outside, and by following the steps in this process, you make it happen gradually.


This time, we start at the roof of the house and work ourselves downward to the ego’s foundation. So, we start at the surface and focus on what is happening in daily life, and then we gradually work ourselves deeper. When it is time to go deeper, I show you how to face and heal the layers of the ego at the root – so that they don’t come back or reappear in another shape or form (which is what happens when we don’t deal with the cause of what we are experiencing).

In this part, we also focus on the outer world and how to make changes that align with who you are and who you are becoming.


Finally, we also focus on opening up to new dimensions of reality, such as mystical experiences, intuition, and guidance from the higher realms. 


This step is a process of undoing and rebuilding. You are undoing and letting go of the ego and the old conditioning and allowing your true self and the new consciousness to arise beyond what you are removing. You can then rebuild yourself and your life from that new and higher state.


Learn more about step 3.


Step Four


Welcome to your new and higher reality. 


This step focuses on integration, and moving forward into that new reality.


In the new state of human consciousness, your soul and human self are aligned. You are a whole and fully integrated human being, and at the same time, you are also aware that you are. So, you are yourself, and you are aware of yourself. The ego doesn’t exist as a separate identity here because there is no separation. You are one.


This is a new version of yourself, the 5D version. You haven’t been this version before in human form. This is also who you aim to become by going through the program. There is no guarantee of course, and you need to experience self-realization to fully embody this state, but if you do the work in the former steps, and keep doing them, you are well on your way.


This new state of consciousness is both an advanced and a very grounded state of consciousness. Things also work differently on this level of reality. There are other “laws” at work here, so your reality and how you operate in the world shifts on this level.


This means that the things that worked when you identified with the ego or the things that worked on the spiritual path don’t work here, and they are not needed since this is a different reality. It is a different state of consciousness altogether. So, you can let go of many old perceptions of how things work, even spiritual perceptions – since this is a different reality.


In this step of the program, we focus on integrating what you have learned and practiced in the former steps so that you can take it into the world and live it.
We also focus on the new reality. We look at how you can live as your true and awake self and create a life situation that reflects who you are – so that your inner and outer worlds align.


We also discuss life missions, purpose, and being part of creating the new earth. In this part, I also share my visions of the new earth. I started receiving the visions about ten years ago.


You will also have access to a community of like-minded souls on the same journey.


Learn more about step 4.



Learn more, apply, or join the waitlist


If you want to learn more about my program, apply or join the waitlist, follow this link.  


I look forward to seeing you there!





Your true self and the ego

Your true self is who you are beyond all concepts, masks, and perceptions about yourself. It is your essence within.


The ego identity is who you have learned or been “programmed” to be. The programming comes from culture, society, family, school systems, and even former lifetimes. We also inherit it from previous generations. 


At the core, the ego is a state of consciousness. The ego-based state has been, and it still is, humanity’s dominant state. It has been part of the earlier stages of our human evolution, but now, we are awakening, individually and collectively, and evolving into a higher state of being.


Individually, the journey is about awakening to who you are and allowing your true self to replace your ego identity, internally and externally. When that happens, you live and embody the new and higher state of human consciousness, the awakened state, 5D.


This new state of consciousness is an integration of your soul and human self.

More about my work

I have created my teachings based on my experiences, realizations, and insights from my spiritual journey, and it is based on over 17 years of lived experience. 


My work is based on my own experience and the insights and guidance I have been receiving throughout my spiritual journey.  


The insights and guidance come from beyond the mind, from beyond the physical reality, from what I call “a higher knowing”. That is my name for a greater intelligence that we humans can tap into and be guided by.


I have been receiving this guidance while going through my journey. So my work is a combination of the understanding that has come from my experience of going through this process myself, and the guidance and visions that come from the higher knowing that has been guiding my journey and the creation of these teachings.


I have also worked with different spirit guides throughout different periods of this journey, and I have met some beautiful people on this path who have contributed to other areas of this work falling into place. I have also read many books and listened to many spiritual teachers throughout the years, and their teachings have contributed to a deeper understanding of my experiences.