Step 1: The ego identity

This is step one in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to join the waiting list.

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$1890 (all 4 steps included)

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Step 1: The ego identity

10 Weeks
10 Lessons
5 Quizzes
100 Students

This is the first step in my online program.

The first step toward realizing who you are, your true self, is to become familiar with who you are not – the ego identity. 


We all take on conditioning from the collective, such as thoughts, beliefs, cultural standards, traumas, and viewpoints from our culture, family, friends, and school systems. And, combined with the personal experiences we have in our lives, they become part of who we believe ourselves to be and how we see the world.


This conditioning is what I refer to as the ego identity. It is not who we are but who we believe ourselves to be before we awaken spiritually.


Our ego identities and the ego-based state of consciousness cause most of the mental and emotional suffering in our lives. And awakening to who we are is the key to freeing ourselves.


The first step toward freedom is to see the places where we are not free, where we are not authentic, and where we (unconsciously) cover up our true selves. 


We need to look into and become familiar with the layers of thoughts, beliefs, cultural conditioning, traumas, emotional patterns, and even spiritual beliefs that we have been adding to ourselves unconsciously and that others have been adding to us. The masks we have been wearing without knowing it. 


That is what we do in step one.

In this step, you will learn what the ego is and how that identity works. We look at the ego’s structure and content, and I walk you through the different layers of that identity so that you know what you are dealing with on all levels. We look at the individual and collective thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, old wounds, and even traumas that cover up your true self. We also examine how they work together inside you as the ego identity. In this step, we also look at the outside and how we humans live individually and collectively due to our inner state of consciousness.


You will learn how the ego identity works on the inside and outside, individually and collectively – so that you can begin to free yourself and step more fully into who you are.




  • An Introduction to my online program: the goal, the process, and the four steps. This class is also an introduction to the first step.

Step 1: The ego identity

This is step one in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to join the waiting list.

Access to all tech tutorials or any other supplementary tools.

$1890 (all 4 steps included)

Apply now