Step 3: Free yourself to be yourself

This is step three in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to sign up for the waiting list.

10 x 30-minute sessions to be used over 2 months

Access to all tech tutorials or any other supplementary tools

$1890 (all 4 steps included)

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Step 3: Free yourself to be yourself

10 Weeks
10 Lessons
5 Quizzes
16 Students

This is step three in my four-step online program.  In this step, you will begin to remove the old conditioning and allow your true self to replace the ego identity.


Here, you begin the practical process of removing the old conditioning and uncovering your true self. You also have an opportunity to open up to new ways of perceiving reality, such as mystical experiences, intuition, and receiving information from beyond the mind. 


You begin by becoming attentive to what you think, feel, and how you act on a daily basis. Gradually you learn to stop, question, and remove the conditioned patterns. We will also look deeper into the subconscious, where the control mechanisms of the ego are, and go through how to face and heal old inner wounds and let go of beliefs that are part of the old identity.


By doing so, you take back the parts of yourself that you have previously invested into the ego identity. And you free up your energy to move forward into something new. 


In this step, I guide you through that process. It is a process of undoing and rebuilding, and it is both an inner and an outer journey. The outside is a reflection of the inside, so when you change your internal state, the outside will inevitably follow.


Summary of step 3: In this step, I show you how to become aware of and remove the layers of the ego so that your true self can shine through – and gradually replace the ego, internally and externally. In this step, I show you how to face, process, and heal the layers of the ego, and how to do it at the core so that they don’t come back or reappear in another shape or form (which is what happens when we don’t deal with the cause of what we are experiencing). In this part, we also focus on the outer world and how to make changes that align with who you really are. Finally, we also focus on opening up to new dimensions of reality, such as mystical experiences, intuition, and guidance. 


The program is here to support, guide, and cheer you on as you break with old patterns, stand firm in your truth, let go of social pressure, and embrace your true self.



Copyright © 2022-2023 Hanna Stenefalk Teachings, All rights reserved.

Step 3: Free yourself to be yourself

This is step three in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to sign up for the waiting list.

10 x 30-minute sessions to be used over 2 months

Access to all tech tutorials or any other supplementary tools

$1890 (all 4 steps included)

Apply now