Step 4: The new you and the new paradigm

This is step four in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to sign up for the waiting list.

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Step 4: The new you and the new paradigm

5 Weeks
5 Lessons
1 Quizzes
100 Students

This is step four in my four-step online program.

Step four builds on the three previous stages of the process. In this program, you put everything you have learned into action – in your life and the world. 


In this step, you step into the world as your true (and new) self – your soul and human self aligned.

Step four is about the destination: being who you are, your true self.
Your soul and human self are aligned. This is the new state of human consciousness.


In this step, we focus on integrating what you have learned and practiced in the former steps so that you can take it into the world and live it. We focus on being your true self, internally and externally, and living as your true self – who you are and have become through the awakening. 


In this step, we look at how you can create a life situation that reflects who you are – so that your inner and outer worlds align. We also discuss life missions, purpose, and how you can move forward from here.


In this step, I also share how my life mission started appearing during my journey and how it has evolved over time. I also share my vision for the new humanity and the new paradigm, which is a vision of what it would be like if we humans went through this shift in consciousness on a collective level. The vision has emerged from within during my journey.


(What this paradigm will look like if it becomes a reality in the physical world is up to all who have gone through this shift in consciousness). 


Online community: Living as your true self in a world that is not yet awake is not always easy. There are many challenges, and finding people who genuinely can relate to how you live and see the world can be challenging. But there are also opportunities to create something new and do it with others who have gone through similar journeys. So, I am creating a community for all who have gone through my four programs. Here, you have an opportunity to come together with others who have gone through similar journeys to connect and support each other. 




  • The New Paradigm Online Community: Let’s create the new paradigm! This online community is for all who have gone through my four programs. The purpose of the community is to connect, support each other, and work to create a new world and paradigm together by being who we are and sharing our gifts with the world.



Copyright © 2022-2023 Hanna Stenefalk Teachings, All rights reserved.

Step 4: The new you and the new paradigm

This is step four in my four-step online program. Click on the button below to sign up for the waiting list.

Access to all tech tutorials or any other supplementary tools

$1890 (all 4 steps included)

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