Seeing the truth is one of the essential parts of the awakening process.
We humans have been disconnected from who we are (and many still are) because we have been moving away from the truth. We, as a species, have been closing off our natural state of being for a long time, and we have come further and further away from who we are during that time.
So, when we begin to awaken, we begin a journey back to ourselves, back to who we are, without the human conditioning that we, and the generations before us, have been carrying around for ages.
The journey of awakening is a journey of undoing what has been done. It’s a journey where we take off layer after layer of what has been added onto us throughout this and other lifetimes so that we can return to who we are.
And to undo what has been done, we need to see it. We need to see what we haven’t been able to see, feel what we haven’t been able to feel, forgive what we haven’t been able to forgive, and acknowledge what we haven’t been able to acknowledge.
On the awakening journey, we become familiar with the places where we have been leaving ourselves, and we get to see what we have been running from internally and externally.
We also get to see the perceptions, societal views, and beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world we carry around and believe to be reality. And the old wounds we haven’t been able to heal, and the places where we may be running from or acting out of these wounds instead of turning inward and tending to them.
The spiritual journey is a journey into the unknown. It’s also a journey into the hidden aspects of reality, into our subconscious, individually and collectively. And it takes courage, persistence, and a relentless willingness to go deeper, see the reality of things, and let go of everything we think we know so that truth can reveal itself.
The truth isn’t always pleasant. But it dissolves the illusion. When we see the reality of things, the illusion falls away. There is relief and freedom in that.
By letting go of the past, we also rediscover who we are beyond what we let go of. We return to our true nature and are free to be who we are.
About Hanna Stenefalk
I’m a spiritual teacher, writer, and visionary. My work helps you awaken to your true self. I have created my teachings based on the experiences, realizations, and insights from my own spiritual journey. Read my story.